Friday, September 29, 2006

First Day of Harvest 2006

Well, Today's the day (9/29/2006) , first field day of 2006. Will the beans be as good as the neighbors say they are, will the corn stand, will we make it through the season without a breakdown? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered for Harvest 2006 (H06). The tires are all aired up, the tractor windshields are all cleaned off, the fuel tanks are filled. Let's think good thoughts for a safe harvest for all our friends and neighbors.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

No Grumpy Farmers Here today

Today was the day that the "new" tractor arrived here at TGF. Yes, believe it folks, we have actually gone red. The Green ones were as usual, more expensive than they should have been and we have a Case dealer now in the neighborhood. This is a 200 hp tractor, front wheel assist, to pull an 8 knife tool bar for strip tilling. Yep, he says we're going to try it this year. Next year I bet it will be the Auto-steer, who knows. I greet this beauty with a little trepidation. Strip till means fall tillage and Mrs. GF likes her hubby to be HOME at the end of the haulin' in, and this means more work after the crop is in. I actually got to drive this one. 17 years and this is the first tractor I have driven...It is pretty big, here is a picture of Michael for some scale, he is about 24" tall.
The neighbors are tearing up the crops, but the ground is still awfully wet, our late season crops are still maturing in the fields, no need to be in a hurry, but the season of harvest is upon us. Please watch for large, slow machinery, drive and harvest carefully.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to me

Rained last night, that will put harvest off yet again. However, the wind is howling, perhaps that will dry it back out.

A recent pic of the smallest one.